Emily Farrell, MA LMHC
Winter Solstice 2013 – Embracing the Dark
The days are short and the sun is low on the horizon. The north wind whistles down from the Fraser river, bringing freezing cold, starry nights. The season naturally turns our focus inward.
Some activities:
1) Spend an evening (or 2 or 3) illumined only by candlelight.
2) Walk outside at night without a flashlight – feel your feet, listen, enjoy holiday lighting in the dark.
3) Walk a labyrinth, make time form meditation, music, journaling, art – whatever helps you turn inward.
4) Spend time in solitude, and choose intimate time with loved ones.
5) Create some time on or near the solstice, the shortest day, to reflect on the deepest intent you’d like to work with over the next year.
6) Go outside every day, even if it is cold, wet and windy.
Warm wishes, Emily
A Way Home – Ecopsychology and the Renewal of Ourselves and Our World
…ecology needs psychology, psychology needs ecology. The context for defining sanity in our time has reached planetary magnitude”.
Theodore Roszak, in Ecopsychology: Restoring the Earth, Healing the Mind
We live in an extraordinary historical moment - beset by challenges on all sides, but also ripe with possibility. In the midst of droughts and hurricanes, high oil prices and economic hardship (not to mention the looming specters of climate change and peak oil), it takes courage and optimism to remain engaged with the world.
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